TradeCoast Central

Eagle Farm, Brisbane
$280 million

We have completed more than 25 projects with TradeCoast Central, including their first cold store for Lion Dairy & Drinks. Many of the facilities are built to Green Star standards and include sustainability measures such as metal halide lighting, custom panel cladding, vertical refrigerant air conditioning systems, double glazed windows and translucent roof sheeting.

APA | Autonexus | Bevchain | Brisbane City Council | DB Schenker | EB Games | EcoKids Childcare | Enerflex | Energex | Followmont Transport | Hanrob Pet Hotels | Heritage Park | Lion Dairy & Drinks | Metcash | Nikpol | Oztrail | Pacific Brands | Reece | Rentokil | Sasgar | Schindler | TNT | Volgren


Stockland Distribution Centre Yatala


DNV Transport for Port of Brisbane